Published on January 14th, 2015 under About Us
See the full Corporate Profile here.
PaloÅŸ & Sons is a group of professional IT servicing companies, having as the main activity the development and implementation of advanced integrated software solutions for both private companies as well as for government officials.
One of the main characteristics of Palos & Sons is the spirit of innovation and ingenuity which follows our work. Staying ahead of our competitors and anticipating the client’s needs with prompt reactions along with the responsibility and conscience derived from our workflow concepts lead to a harmonious long term development of our partnerships.
Plus…. we support Open Source!
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for DEMO, source and binary files.
OpenCoordinator Charts is a Java-based component designed for generating high-quality, extremely intuitive graphical charts for use in all business and economy related fields. It is apart of the coming OpenCoordinator Development Platform.
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Using this component is as easy as adding the data to the chart and naming the title and scale/axis titles. It automatically generates scales/axes, it detects if a the chart needs to be split into multiple grids, if a logarithmic scale is necessary and soooo… many other things.
Also, the chart automatically adapts itself when being printed in black and white so that the data is still perfectly visualized (changes fills to hashes, color to monochrome etc.).
This component is currently in its pre-beta state and has some more to go through before it’s complete. Interactivity and the full range of plots and charts are to be added.
However, it is already being used in its current state in testing environments with real data. Feel free to download it and play with it.
Licensing: This component is currently under Lesser GPL license being allowed to be used without payments in commercial contexts (or closed-source softwares) as well as for open-source softwares.
Go to download page
for source and binary files.
PHP5 class for exporting PDF documents based on FPDF and other related scripts. This is LGPL software. I adjusted a lot of things and included/adapted many more options.
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You can now include in your PDF documents:
- Transparencies (help from Martin Hall-May),
- Gradient fills (help from Andreas Würmser),
- Image fills,
- Polygons,
- Ellipses (help from David Hernández Sanz),
- PieSlices,
- DoughnutSlices,
- GIF Images in addition to JPG and PNG (help from Xavier Nicolay) and…
- also now you don’t have to worry about the “Alpha channel not supported” or “Interlacing not supported” PNG errors, I dealt with that (alpha is turned to white and interlacing is canceled), optimized it so it uses a much smaller amount of memory (help from Philip Clarke),
- dashes,
- and many other things.
There was no time for a documentation yet, but the FPDF manual still applies and the new stuff is very straight-forward. You must put the cPdfWriter somewhere in your PHP include path. I recommend adding the following string to the end of your include_path in php.ini (you can change /usr/lib/php to whatever you want and the path can contain other locations):
copy the cPdfWriter directory in /usr/lib/php and then restart the Apache server
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
and you’re set. To use the cPdfWriter class just do
Published on January 14th, 2015 under Jobs
Dezvoltare de solutii web complexe si software personalizat.
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Serios in respectarea termenelor.
Capacitate de adaptare si solutionare a problemelor
Dorinta de invatare a unor limbaje sau tehnici noi.
Sunt necesare cunostinte avansate de programare in:
- PHP (inclusiv notiuni de Programare Orientata pe Obiecte)
- MySQL / PostgreSQL
- JavaScript (AJAX, JSON, XHTML, XML)
Constituie avantaje:
- Notiuni RUBY
- Smarty (sau alt sistem de sabloane)
- CodeIgniter (sau alt sistem Model/View/Controller)
- Tehnici de optimizare SEO
- TSearch2
- Orice alt limbaj similar cu C/C++/Java sau limbaje dinamice (Ruby, Python, Perl etc.)
SALARIU ATRACTIV. Bonusuri in functie de rezultate.
Oras: Bucuresti
Tip Job: Full time
Limba : Engleza
Pentru a va inscrie la acest job, trimiteti mail la
Published on January 14th, 2015 under Jobs
Dezvoltare de solutii web complexe si software personalizat
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Persoana cu initiativa, creativa, perfectionista. Ii place lucrul in echipa si vrea sa isi imbunatateasca permanent cunostintele. Seriozitate in executarea task-urilor.
Mentionati daca aveti un portofoliu de aratat! Consideram acest lucru ca fiind foarte edificator!
Cerinte obligatorii:
1. Simt artistic dezvoltat (in special pentru WEB)
2. Cunostinte solide de:
- Adobe Photoshop
- HTML/CSS (transpunerea design-ului in template-uri HTML / CSS)
- Adobe Flash
- ActionScript
Se acorda bonusuri in functie de rezultate iar salariile nu se plafoneaza in timp.
Oras: Bucuresti
Tip Job: Full time
Limba : Engleza
Pentru a va inscrie la acest job, trimiteti mail la
See product page.
Support Package: 50€ / month - Order Now!
We will activate your account as soon as possible after which you will
have 30 days to make the payment, and only if you like our services!
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We offer commercial support for all the cPdfWriter software components for 50€/month through our specialized high priority help desk ticketing interface at (see a demo here with user-name demouser and password user).
You can also contact us for support at (low priority!).
Order Support for cPdfWriter Library!
See product page.
Support Package: 70€ / month - Order Now!
We will activate your account as soon as possible after which you will
have 30 days to make the payment, and only if you like our services!
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We offer commercial support for all the OpenCoordinator software components for 70€/month through our specialized high priority help desk ticketing interface at (see a demo here with user-name demouser and password user).
You can also contact us for support at (low priority!).
We deliberately provide support at such convenient fees due to the fact that the OpenCoordinator platform is not yet complete (even though the components are perfectly usable on their own).
Order Support for OpenCoordinator!
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for source and binary files.
PHP5 Image_Graph driver for PDF export without using PDFlib. This is LGPL software.
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To use this driver you must have previously installed the PEAR package, also you need to install the Image_Graph package, and of course the cPdfWriter library above. You must install those first. These are some advantages of this driver over the PDFlib one included with Image Graph:
- Supports gradient fills
(all types except MIRRORED which are translated to RADIAL)!
- Supports image fills
(supports JPG, PNG(removes alpha) and GIF(removes transparency) formats)!
- Supports transparency
- It’s LGPL so it’s free, even for commercial use :)!
Some examples from the Image_Graph website rendered with this driver (version 0.2!!!):
ver2-1.pdf, ver2-2.pdf, ver2-3.pdf, ver2-4.pdf, ver2-5.pdf
To use this driver copy it in the Image_Canvas directory. This could be “/usr/share/pear/Image/Canvas/“ but it might differ for you. Then use it just as you would use any Image_Graph driver, i.e.:
include_once ‘Image/Graph.php’;
include_once ‘Image/Canvas.php’;
$Canvas =& Image_Canvas::factory(’CPDFWRITER’,
array(’width’ => 600,’height’ => 400));
$Graph =& Image_Graph::factory(’graph’, &$Canvas);
See product page.
Support Package: 55€ / month - Order Now!
We will activate your account as soon as possible after which you will
have 30 days to make the payment, and only if you like our services!
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We offer commercial support for all the OpenCoordinator software components for 55€/month through our specialized high priority help desk ticketing interface at (see a demo here with user-name demouser and password user).
You can also contact us for support at (low priority!).
Order Support for psArchive!
See product page.
Support Package: 35€ / month - Order Now!
We will activate your account as soon as possible after which you will
have 30 days to make the payment, and only if you like our services!
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We offer commercial support for all the OpenCoordinator software components for 35€/month through our specialized high priority help desk ticketing interface at (see a demo here with user-name demouser and password user).
You can also contact us for support at (low priority!).
Order Support for cPDfWriter Image_Graph Driver!